
Cedar Ridge Farm Egyptian Arabians


We pride ourselves in helping newcomers realize their dreams by finding and affording the straight Egyptian Arabian they really want, while treating them the way we would like to be treated. We specialize in the extraordinary, rare Egyptian Arabian, known for its great beauty, intelligence, disposition, athletic ability, and charisma.

Breeding Egyptian Arabian horses has gained us the friendship of many very fine, caring people all over the world. Our holidays are spent at horse shows, and we mark time from one Egyptian Event to the next. As do many of you, without a doubt! Merrie is happy to participate as the Region VII Pyramid Society representative once again. She also is a member of the AHA Region VII Show Commission and president of the Las Vegas Arabian Horse Association.

We hope you enjoy visiting our web site, seeing our stallions, mares and babies, maybe shopping for your next Egyptian Arabian in utero. Please click on the links to navigate our pages and contact us with any suggestions.

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