is Professional backing tracks for live performance

Cooltracks Backing Tracks
Professional MP3 backing tracks specifically created for live performance

About Us

We are dedicated in creating the most accurate and authentic mp3 backing tracks available, created specifcally for live performance.
Cooltracks backing tracks are the perfect solution for singers, guitarists, bassists, drummers or musicians and bands wanting a fuller sound in their performances.

All Cooltracks mp3 backing tracks are produced in house by us. We do not sell other companies backing tracks, so you can be confident every Cooltracks backing track will sound as great as the next.


You can listen to our backing tracks before you buy. Backing track Demos include the backing tracks introduction, lead break and ending.
Listen to a demo of one of our backing tracks here

About our Backing Tracks

Cooltracks backing tracks are high quality stereo mp3 music files, that can be played on any mp3 music player, Ipod, computer or mp3 compatible CD and DVD player.
In addition to the usual backing track arrangement consisting of all the instruments and backup vocals, all our backing tracks are available in versions with various instruments or instrument combinations removed.

  • Without backup vocals and with full instrumentation
  • Without guitar & backup vocals
  • Without piano/keyboards & backup vocals
  • Without bass & backup vocals
  • Without drums & backup vocals
  • Without guitar, piano & backup vocals
  • Without guitar, bass & backup vocals
  • Without bass, drums & backup vocals
  • Without guitar, drums & backup vocals
  • Without guitar, bass, drums & backup vocals

Drummers will appreciate the inclusion of a click track on all backing tracks without drums, it will really help keep the performance sounding in time and tight.

Where to buy

The only place to buy Cooltracks backing tracks, is directly from the website
Conveniently purchase Cooltracks backing tracks on our secure shopping page, where we accept Credit card payments via Papal and Paymate.
You can immediately download your backing track directly from the website.

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