
Community bus


Community Bus
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland SS7 5EF


This website has been set up for the people of the local community and anyone else with an interest in the districts. The idea is to make this site as informative as possible on subjects relating to their district and the people of their district. Most of the content on this site will be provided by the local community. I plan to make this site as interactive as possible, to make it easy for people to air their views and opinions on current matters, have general discussions and pass on information to others via the various categories available on this site. This site is available to the public to use free of charge. If you have any stories relating to any of the district covered and would like others to know about it please send it via email to the Editor complete with your name and town. All content that is shown on the website will have a name and town reference to the person who supplied it

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