
Stonehenge - Facts Quick and Easy for Students and Tourists - Stonehenge


Christiaan Stoudt (an individual who is not affiliated in any way with the owners of Stonehenge) has been running this website since June of 1994.

This website has the proud honor of being the oldest, continuous independently operated Stonehenge site known on the Internet. It has educated millions of people on the mystery of Stonehenge.

I am not sure when it really started, but I have always been interested in Stonehenge. When I was a child, we lived in Germany and had the opportunity to visit England. We went to a Henge but weren't lucky enough to be able to visit the wonderful stone ring of Stonehenge. I really regret it because back then you were able to walk among the stones and be a part of their glory. Today, you are just a spectator marveling at their majesty.

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