is a digital portfolio of dragon and fantasy art


Canadian Dragon Fantasy Art: Original Dragon Art, Sculpture and Drawings


I can't remember when I started drawing or painting. My mother is a local artist and I grew up watching her paint in both water-colors and oils. I remember painting with her at a very young age, and it was early on that my subject matter turned towards animals both real and imagined. I never lost my passion for art, and when I graduated from High School I received an award for Excellence in Art and a distinction in Art and English.

Well, obviously I'm from Canada. I live on the East Coast, in Nova Scotia. I've lived here all my life and love it here, although I do like to travel. Nova Scotia has a diverse culture and beautiful scenery, and I wouldn't want to make my home anywhere else. Even though much of my artwork is rooted in the fantasy realm, I also have a soft spot for local wildlife and urban living alike.

Jason and I were married in October 2002. I come from a large household, having three younger brothers and thirty-three cousins.

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Canadian Dragon Fantasy Art
Canada B2B2B2

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