promotes the purchasing of products made in Israel

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Excerpted from the website:

Shderot is an Israeli city of 20,000, located directly east of Northern Gaza. In the past seven years, thousands of Kassam rockets have been fired from Palestinian homes, fields and schools into Shderot. The residents of Shderot live in constant fear of falling rockets, with only 15 seconds notice. As part of their efforts to create and earn an honest living, they have created a website to sell their many fine products. Among the products available are mezuzahs, illustrated glass vessels, children's toy vehicles, ceramic art and craft, art, jewelry, candles, cutlery, and others. Buying products made in Shderot is the least we can do for these valient Israelis. Please visit Shderot at:
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180 N Mighigan Ave. Ste 911
Chicago IL 60601 US


The American-Israel Chamber Of Commerce

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