Title | Optimizing Your Domains by Building Out


Excerpted from the website:

A Personal Testimonial:
I have been operating in the domain industry since early 2004. I happened upon a domaining forum while doing research for a personal website I was attempting to create and within a few days found myself buying up domains using droplists and scavenging the low hanging fruit from some of the more seasoned domainers. I was spending so much time scanning those droplists I would occasionally have to pull myself away because I was hungry, thirsty, or dizzy from scrolling for hours on end. You may know how it feels. Anyhow, I knew I wanted to build a huge portfolio, with the odd gem thrown in - so I could resell it a couple years down the road for 30 times what I paid for it. That’s what I thought, and I played that game for about a year. It was a lot of hard work and a year into it realized I wasn’t making much with my portfolio. Even the top domains I had were not covering the registration fees! My portfolio was too small and the parking services just did not have the return I needed. So I changed gears…
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