
Bristol Nomads Windsurfing Club



Bristol Nomads Windsurfing Club was conceived in the dark days of yore, back in 1984 under the name of "Almondsbury Windsurfing Club". Original affinities were for a certain muddy pond to the North of Bristol, where a lake had been excavated to a depth of about 3 feet, purely for windsurfing. Members at the pond started to meet up occasionally and the notion of running a windsurfer's club was born.

Over time, and following a number of disagreements with the proprietor of the pond, who by this time had branched out into allowing other activities like jet-skiing (on the same small, muddy patch of water AND at the same time as windsurfers) and the bizarre ritual of lake golf (don't ask!), a number of sailors began to organise outings away from the mud pond.

Far flung, and exotic locations like Llangorse reservoir were chosen for these early away days, with some people venturing as far as the balmy S coast - viz Portland & Poole Harbours.

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