
BreedObject - Custom Selection Indexes for Cattle


About BreedObject and $Indexes

BreedObject is a tool for formalising breeding objectives and $Indexes that can help you breed more profitable cattle. It uses BREEDPLAN EBVs. It helps you target the type of commercial herd performance you need from animals for a given market production system, and it helps you identify seedstock that will be best suited to this. BreedObject $Indexes are intended for use by both stud and commercial beef producers.

BreedObject draws together the BREEDPLAN estimated breeding value (EBV) figures on bulls into a single EBV, the $Index, which describes how well bulls suit a particular purpose. If you are interested in more than one type of commercial production purpose, you will be interested in more than one $Index.

In 'BreedObject on the web', you can choose a $Index relevant to your production purpose from those available, or you can define your production purpose and develop your own $Index. This can also be done in more detail, if needed, by contacting us.

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