
Bonita L. Marks Ph. D., Professional Exercise Physiologist


Excerpted from the website:

My career path has had several twists and turns, yet all of my experiences have contributed to enhancing my knowledge of the science of exercise and fitness. I am an Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I also hold an adjunct Associate Professor research position within the UNC Hospital’s Department of Emergency Medicine and am an ACSM-certified Exercise Specialist. Currently, I am on a research leave from UNC, engaging in an NIH-sponsored senior post-doctoral research fellowship at Duke's Center for Aging and the Department of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences. After all, fitness is a lifelong activity. I will return to UNC in the Fall of 2006 to lead the development of an exercise and aging research program and help launch a new fitness professional track for the undergrads in exercise and sport science.
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