
Bill Humphries Casters and Wheels Industrial Sales & Caster Co., Inc.


The company was started in 1988 by Bill Humphries as a sole proprietorship, and was incorporated in 1992 in Ohio. Sales have increased annually, with current gross sales $1,000,000+. Bill has 30 years experience in the industrial sales field and is one of the most knowledgeable people in the caster and wheel field. The company's mission is to give the best possible service to all its customers throughout the U.S.

from the Tente Caster Co. (for whom we are a master distributor), who supplies 90% of all the Hill-Rom hospital bed and stretcher casters.

The company is located just off of North I-75 in Cincinnati with an office, and a 5500 sq. ft. warehouse, expanding its facility in 1993.

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