
BHS - Old Scholars Association


Excerpted from the website:

Brummana High School was founded in 1873 by Theophilus Waldmeier , a Swiss missionary , who joined the Society of Friends and became a Quaker. Waldmeier first came to Lebanon in 1867 and was engaged as inspector of branch schools in Beirut , the mountains and Damascus. In 1873 , he came to Brummana and took charge of the Quaker Girls School. During the subsequent year he bought Birket el Ghanam (20000 square yards of property) , changed its name to Ayn es Salam , and was authorised by owners ,the Friends Syrian Mission , to build the Training Home for boys which now is Brummana High School.
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Aleph Bldg, 2nd floor, Beydoun St, Nasra
Beirut 20624418 LEBANON


Brummana High School Old Scholars Association co Born Interactive
+1 961 161 1667, Fax: +1 961 161 1667

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