
Barry Long Books - The Online Catalogue


Barry Long Books


Barry Long Books
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland TA4 1JD

Books about spirituality, love and truth.

Australian spiritual teacher Barry Long (1926-2003) wrote a series of books which offer a comprehensive spiritual teaching for individuals attracted to the truth of life on earth. What's it all about? What's the bigger picture? Where do I fit in? And how can I make full use of my life?

The most important of these works are:

  • The Way In - An outline of the spiritual life, the ways of truth and love, the use of meditation and prayer, the by-ways and diversions of the spiritual path.
  • Meditation: A Foundation Course - Ten basic lessons to still your mind and allow spiritual energies to start arising in your body.
  • Knowing Yourself - An investigation of what's most real and meaningful in your own experience of the world and of yourself. An examination of what has to be lost before the truth is found.
  • Stillness Is The Way - The process of using meditation and spiritual exercises to reduce and finally eliminate the blockages and barriers that stop you fulfilling your life's purpose.
  • Only Fear Dies - Why mankind is unhappy and how you can start to free yourself of your own unhappiness and discontent.
  • Making Love: Sexual Love the Divine Way - The source of most unhappiness between men and women is their love-life. A radical reappraisal of our sexuality is needed to release the healing power of divine sexual love.
  • The Origins of Man and the Universe - The bigger picture. A cosmic overview of our evolution and the function of intelligence on earth.

Other titles deal specifically with the practical application of Barry Long's teachings. Such as Raising Children In Love,Justice and Truth, To Man In Truth and To Woman In Love. See

There is also a range of Barry Long Audio Book CDs on meditation, death and dying, sexuality, karma and freedom from unhappiness.

Barry Long Books is the imprint of The Barry Long Foundation International (an Australian company). The Foundation also publishes an extensive range of audio-visual materials which feature Barry Long giving seminars and teachings. See

Barry Long Books are available through bookstores in USA, UK and Australia (via trade distributors Bookworld, New Leaf, Deep Books, Brumby Books) and

Many of the titles are translated and Barry Long's work appears in eleven languages.

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