avatar.starried.net archives various miniature photos to be used on message boards

About avatar.starried.net

After registering, you can add or remove avatars on your very own personal checklist and easily keep it up-to-date as you earn avatars on Neopets.com. You can set your checklist in the order that you got your avatars, and link others to your profile (if you want to show friends your avatar collection)! Don't forget our database with infomation on how to get each avatar, and in-depth guides to help you there :)    If you'd just like to look at our avatar solutions and guides without registering, feel free to use the Visitor account! » Altador Cup FinishCongratulations to Krawk Island for their first place finish in the Altador Cup! Prizes are now available to pick up in the Prize Shop. Something Has Happened!You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!The Altador Cup avatar is being given out to participants on the Prize Shop page. (If you don't already have it!)Need advice on what prizes to get?Try visiting the AC4 Prize Guide!

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