JAWS Amity Island | JAWS Movie and Ride Tribute

JAWS Amity Island, the JAWS Movie and Ride Tribute web site. Browse through the movie history, JAWS directed by Steven Spielberg, JAWS 2, JAWS 3-D and JAWS the revenge. Experience the unleashed shark in all 3 JAWS rides at Universal Studios theme parks. Talk to fans from around the world in the JAWS community forums. Enjoy your stay here on JAWS Amity Island, just don't go in the water!

Additional Information

Screenshot of the JAWS Novel page
A Brief history of The site was born in 2005, a web site dedicated to the JAWS rides at Universal Studios theme parks Florida, Hollywood and Japan. Unique visitor traffic increased everyday, great feedback and contributions came from the fans. The year 2007 came and the site grew, being upgraded to cover all things JAWS and now the phenomenon that is JAWS lives larger than ever.
New logo for 2008
In 2008 the web site landed a new logo. Created by site owner Scott Weller, the logo is currently seen at the site's online shop on all items of clothing. The online shop is also a new addition for 2008.

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