
The team at Action Camera And Camcorder Repair have provided Camcorder Service for thousands of Internet customers, dealers, universities, schools and media organizations since 1976. Quality work by experienced technicians

We believe in doing the job right the first time at a reasonable price. Our technicians specialize in camera & camcorder repair and do not work on any other equipment. Our excellence guarantee

All of our work is guaranteed for a period of 6 months on parts and labor. Your Quality Service Warranty starts the day you receive your equipment back.

Quick turn-around time

We know it is important for you to get your equipment back in a timely manner. We stock a large inventory of original replacement parts. In most cases we can repair your equipment within 7 to 10 working days after the estimate is approved. In some cases parts are special ordered and the repairs can take longer however this is not common.

Free estimates and free shipping

We offer a totally free estimate. After we receive your equipment, we will evaluate it and contact you within 3 working days with a estmate for your approval. There are no hidden charges.

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