User talk:Rxpop is proud to offer consumers the Internet’s most recognized prescription drug cost comparison and licensed online pharmacy referral service to date. continuously strives to not only meet, but surpass every one of its valued Members healthcare related needs and expectations. provides its Members with convenient access to the cheapest prices available anywhere on the Internet for over 13,000 FDA-approved medications. All of the online pharmacies included in’s service are based within the United States or Canada and are licensed in their governing countries eliminating any worries one might otherwise encounter when ordering medication over the Internet.

Members of no longer have the worries associated with locating the most affordable medication on the Internet offered by licensed pharmacies. When ordering medication over the Internet, Members of have the reassurance of knowing they are not in violation of any laws. Members are provided unlimited access to a service that is SECOND TO NONE!

Visit to learn more!


The mission here at is a rather simple one, to provide safe, affordable access to high quality pharmaceutical products and services. With that said, endeavors to deliver exceptional customer service. We sincerely hope to form long-term relationships with our customers and desire to help them lead longer, healthier lives. hopes to be your pharmacy referral and prescription drug cost comparison website of choice today and for years to come! employs a dedicated team of experienced technicians, designers, programmers, researchers, marketers, business development professionals and customer support agents to provide our valued Members the best service possible.

All pharmaceuticals provided by's Canadian partner pharmacies are of the same quality, purity and potency as those available in the United States. All of our Canadian partner pharmacy's products adhere to the rigorous standards of Health Canada, which meet or exceed FDA drug safety standards currently enforced within the United States.

To learn more please visit

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Hello, my name is Kristina.

I noticed your contributions here to your TalkPage and I think you might like to edit the page - have you seen this DomainPage?

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Welcome to the community!
KristinaWeis | **talk** 14:44, 1 December 2007 (PST)