User talk:Michael Brusletten

Hello and welcome to, a site where you can share your ideas and knowledge on anything you like by editing pages! In particular, if you are familiar with a website you can search for it above and add information to its domain page. If you have any questions about our Article Writing Service feel free to communicate with me on my talk page! MahamRiaz (talk)

About adding to PossibleFraudSite Template

Hi Michael,

I noticed your edits to the PossibleFraudSite Template. I'm not sure that adding your website to the template works the way it is intended for unless your website accepts a URLs as a variable and can present a report on them. Please join me in LiveChat to talk about this.

As an alternate, you may want to update the information for your article on AboutUs for --Sa'ad [ msg meemailchat ] 22:44, 25 September 2008 (PDT)

Dear Michael, sorry for the delay in getting back. The way PossibleFraudSite template works is that on any page it is inserted, it uses the domain name as a variable and puts it infront of MyWoT or the macafee URLs providing a summary for the said page. If your site can handle a website name as a variable in the URL, let me know and it can be added to that template. --Sa'ad [ msg meemailchat ] 12:07, 6 October 2008 (PDT)