Category:Money Merge Account

Jane suprises her husband......... Jane has a wonderful life in Happy Valley, U.S.A. Her and her husband John have 3 boys ages 7,8, and 16. Jane likes her job working for as a manager but considers her primary "career" the CEO of the family. Jane is also the CFO as JOhn counts on Jane to handle the day to day finances.

After the birth of their 3rd son Jane & John bought a fairly large house to handle all those boys and soon Jane started dutifully writing a check every month to the mortgage company. Every time she would write that check she would have a strong gut feeling that there must be a better way to do things. Jane understood that as long as she kept writing check after check to the mortgage company and to all the other creditors that she would never get to accomplish her dream of staying home with her children. Even though her oldest was 16 she new he also needed her around more than ever. Jane was always on the look out for cost saving ideas and money making ideas. So when her new and just as wonderful neighbor Mary told her about this thing called a money merge account and being able to pay off a mortgage in 1/2 to 1/3 the normal time Jane was definately interested.

Jane new she could count on Mary for sound advice, but she still did her due diligence and looked at this product with a fine tooth comb, checked the background of the company and talked to other people that were using it. By this time Jane was very excited, with her financial analysis in hand she could visable see an end to the madness, not only would her mortgage be paid off but all of their other debts as well. So without changing the family's spending habits and with no extra income Jane was able to pay off everything by the time her little one was 7. John was speechless when Jane handed him the deed to the house, he exclaimed, "How did we, you, do this?" Jane reminded him of the MMA years ago that he agreed to do. "Oh Yea! I do remember something about that." John recalled. Jane continued to explain to John that now they could take the money they were spending on their mortgage and invest it for retirement (it is always something).

Although for Jane the mortgage payoff was great, something better happened along the way. Mary and Jane had started a strong, unique and profitable friendship.

Find out about Mary next......

Oh and if you would like to find out more about how Mary and Jane payed off their mortgage in record time follow this see how it could work for you.