
  About Pharm4All.comEstablished in  2005, is one of the most affordable and reliable online pharmacies. We specialize in selling generic versions of top-selling pharmaceutical products bought from licensed wholesalers and WHO/GMP approved manufacturers. We are committed to providing quality generic medications that deliver the results you need. Pharm4All is an online pharmacy stocked with the latest generic products with the highest international health and manufacturing standards. Please feel free to browse through Pharm4All at your leisure. With our quality products, low prices, absolute discretion and professional customer service, Pharm4All is the online pharmacy you have been looking for. read more

Template:possibleSpamsite This site seems to be part of the CashAdmin network.

CashAdmin, aka Generic4All, is an unapproved pharmacy network that appears to be based in the Seychelles, or possibly France.

Websites within this network violate LegitScript standards for several reasons:

The supplier of prescription drugs is outside of the country. Read why this is unsafe and against the law. It is not clear that there is an actual pharmacy involved. It is not clear that there is a US-licensed (or any licensed) pharmacist involved. The prescription drugs are provided without requiring a valid prescription. This website fails to meet LegitScript standards as a safe and legitimate pharmacy website.

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