EXPLORE INDIA AS IS is an extensive information guide which provides complete information about India. The site has come up with accurate and updated information on all States, Districts, Mandals/Taluks and Villages in India with including Schools, Colleges, Pin codes and Banks and nearby Tourist places.

This site has geographical maps of almost all villages and cities in India and allows finding directions from one place to other. Have you ever felt the experience of reading some information about your village, then how much you will be delighted if you find someone reading about your village that has been written by you.

Even you can add your school/college and refer your friends to share your experiences, and allows writing and editing the content about the village and city


Explore India: lists all India states, Districts, Mandals/Taluks, Villages/cities.

Navigate India: Provides map for every village in India.

Near By Places: Nearby by shops, temples, lakes, hospitals, theaters, ATMs etc. of any city/Village.

Trace Route: Find Directions and distance between any place ( village/city) to any place.

Know and share about your Hometown: you can write or edit about you village/city. You can update events and news about your home town.

Weather Forecast: Get live weather forecast of your home town.

Schools/colleges: Lists all schools and colleges in India. You can find all Schools and Colleges in your village with school Information, school Review and School Forum.

Indian Railways: This site provides accurate information about train routes and timings. You can also find trains between two stations. You can get all these information with out logging into a site just as simple as ABC.

Maps & Directions: Are you planning for a vacation? Want to know directions? It is just a click away. Onefivenine provides directions from one place to another, not only just a map route but also you can find information like Flights, Trains and bus routes on the map.

Tourist Places: This site has provided with all the tourist places in India with very useful information like how to reach, where to stay, weather and temperature, near by tourist places, near by major cities, near by airports, near by railway stations and many more.

‘‘‘Alumni: Allows people to get connected to their schools , colleges and home town.

Pin codes: You can find all villages/cities pin codes in India.

IFSC codes: The site provides all the banks information in India with including their IFSC codes.

Single Sign On: you can register directly with onefivenine or login with face book credentials to become an active user by posting reviews, latest information about your village.

City Bus Routes: Information about all major city bus routes with bus numbers and stages including Map directions. You can find bus routes between two stages.

Bus Services: The site has come up with most useful information on bus services like the available Buses from a bus station to other, bus services and bus routes between two stations.

Trace Mobile Number: Enter mobile number and know the Details.

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