User:Dawn Shifreen-Pomerantz MFT

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Welcome Life changing events can cause unwanted changes in a person's mental state. These events are things such as the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, having been a crime victim, serving in the military in a combat zone or financial distress. While it is normal to feel “blue” for a while after events such as these, prolonged changes in your state of mind should prompt you to seek professional help in overcoming the negative feelings associated with a loss.

Left untreated, these feelings can lead to self-destructive behavior, obsessive or compulsive disorders, difficulties in relationships, reliving of a traumatic event, physical ailments (psychosomatic), anxiety, depression, attention deficits and eating disorders. Each of these reduces your quality of life – each day is something to get through rather than an opportunity to experience new and wonderful things.

Email me at Call me (925) 210-1236