PortlandTech spread the word! - tweet this!
: @aaronpk - Aaron Parecki
- Co-founder of Geoloqi.com
: @AboutUs
- Hopefully this one's obvious :-) AboutUs.org, the wiki/editable guide to websites. Contributors to this Twitter account include Kristina Weis, Mark Dilley and Aliza Earnshaw.
: @AdamBoettiger - Adam Boettiger
- Founder and Chief Internet Evangelist of DailyFollow.com
: @adamd – Adam Duvander
- Writer for Simplicity Rules and Web Monkey, Legion Of Tech board member, PDX Web Innovators founder
: @acclimedia - Gennefer Snowfield
- Founder and CEO of Acclimedia, President and Chief Marketing Officer for Jelly Labs, Creative Director for Idea Brew and Writer for Green Options Media and Triple Pundit, interactive strategist, brand specialist, author, foodie, imagineer and tech geek.
: @adronbh – Adron B Hall
- Software Architect & Engineer. Windows, Web, and more. Web Analytics Professional and Business Intelligence Grognard Grognard. Check me out at AdronBHall.com
: @ahockley – Aaron Hockley
- Takes great picture, writes insightful blog posts, tells good stories
: @Alsymer – Todd Kalhar
- Interaction/Experience Designer, tea-preneur
: @amycgx – Amy Goodman
- Technical Projects Director @ Powells.com, traveler, filmmaker, photographer, and technology groupie.
: @AmyPotthast – Amy Potthast
- Director of Term of Service and Graduate Education Programs, Idealist.org (
: @idealist_org), blogger: The New Service.
: @AmyWinkelman – Amy Winkelman
- Business & Technology contractor/consultant (product management, marketing, organizational development); aunt; Oregon native; coffee drinker
: @andpoul - Andrew Pouliot
- iPhone app developer, consultant, visual designer, founder of Darknoon.
: @annanten – Anna Richter
- Program Coordinator at Nonprofit Technology Network & Co-Organizer of PDX 501 Tech Club
: @AnvilMedia - Anvil Media Inc.
- Search Engine Marketing agency specializing in SEO, PPC management, social media strategy and online marketing consulting
: @appleyar – Richard Appleyard
- Holistic Technology Consultant, Chair SAO Internet Professionals SIG
: @AroundTheSun
- Micro-blog for Around the Sun, a blog about saving money in Portland.
: @bkerensa – Benjamin Kerensa
- Blogger, Pundit and Developer. Team Lead of Ubuntu Oregon
: @BetsyWhim – Betsy Richter
- Owner of more blogs than any one person ought to have. Host of the Redoing Media show on Cascadia.FM
: @billder – Bill DeRouchey
- Interim Director of Interaction Design at Ziba Design, Treasurer of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA), blogs at Push Click Touch about The History of the Button, among most other subjects
: @BramPitoyo – Bram Pitoyo
- Brand Strategist, Typographer, Designer, Blogger
: @BrokenHours -- Luke Lefler
- the once and future Baron Landscape, bus rider and Splice Finder
: @BryanStearns – Bryan Stearns
- Software guy specializing in Rails web development; movie addict unwilling to admit I have a problem.
: @bwaldron – Ben Waldron
- Partner at Pollinate Media - an interactive branding and innovation company.
: @bwinett - Bill Winett
- Senior IT manager at Tektronix, development experience with too many technologies to count.
: @camikaos – Cami Kaos
- Writer camikaos blog and host of strangelovelive a weekly podcast streamed live Friday's at 10PM.
: @CarriBugbee – Carri Bugbee
- Social inciter, writer, twitterizer, and owner of Big Deal PR. Old-school marketer turned social media fanatic who helps clients engage with customers wherever they are. Leading launch of Social Media Club Portland; helped create and promote Cre8Camp and Cre8Con. BigDealPR.com
: @CaseOrganic – Amber Case
- Cyborg Anthropologist, New Media Consultant
: @cheekyboots – Emma McCreary
- UX geek and founder of HealerWorks, empowering healers to succeed in business
: @ChrisORourke – Chris O'Rourke
- I'm a network and web presence consultant helping companies navigate the digital age waters at CDC Studios
: @ChristianBk - ChristianBk
- SEO & online marketing along with maintaining TriMetiquette.com, a Portland public transportation blog
: @ChrisRivard - Chris Rivard
- information architect, user experience designer ChrisRivard.com
: @CraigBachman - Craig Bachman
- IP trial lawyer and counsel at Lane Powell
: @ctb – Chris Brentano
- Linux geek, IT Engineer at Jive Software
: @cupomud – Christian Super
- Blogger, web startup / wannabe entrepreneur
: @DaleChumbley - Dale Chumbley
- Techy Real Estate Guy, Photo Hobbyist Guy, General Nice Guy
: @DarrenBuckner - Darren Buckner
- Web artisan, developer, designer, big thinker. Portland, Oregon tech advocate and lover of simplicity. Cofounder of Dream Up and creator of Work From
: @DianCrawford – Dian Crawford
- Account Manager at Ascentium, owner of Urban Grind Coffeehouse
: @DaveKresta – Dave Kresta
- Vision Wrangler, Product Manager, Blogger at CollaborativEye, guy-who-did-not-backpack-enough-this-year
: @DavidBurn – David Burn
- Editor of AdPulp, copywriter/creative director, freelance journalist, poet, essayist
: @dayon
- DayOn.org connects nonprofit organizations with volunteers.
: @donpdonp – Don Park
- Coder extraordinaire. Current project: Ice Condor, a location-aware client for Google Android mobile platform
: @DougColeman - Doug Coleman
- Small business owner, multimedia specialist, social Media/community management, writer, researcher, musician. Currently writer/researcher at Read Write Web Jobwire
: @DrNormal – Doc Normal
- Producer of strangelovelive a weekly podcast streamed live Friday's at 10PM. Also a Musician, Composer DrNormal.com and Networking Technologist with over 20 years of industry experience.
: @dswiese - Sean Wiese
- Overall Geek, looking for work, trying to help small businesses, project manager and business analyst type in previous day jobs.
: @Dwayne_King – Dwayne King
- Founder of Pinpoint Logic, user experience design and strategy firm
: @dietrich – Dietrich Ayala
- Coder, juggler, lover of fancy dress parties. Works on Mozilla Firefox. Elsewhere: blog | Delicious profile | Flickr
: [nome Flickr] | Last.fm music | Tumblr
: Tumblr funny blog
: @EkaterinaWalter – Ekaterina Walter
- Social Media Strategist at Intel
: @EddieAwad - Eddie Awad
- Oracle Database Developer among other things.
: @EdgeLink - EdgeLink
- Technology Staffing Tech-lovers tweeting all things technology related -- breaking industry news, hot topics, career guidance, job leads, and general amusement.
: @EricCurtis - Eric Curtis
- Interactive Designer and Coder for RGB Design Studio which I have operated for over a decade.
: @erthnet - Gregg Berkholtz
- TOCICI's founder. Mechanical engineer, Argentine Tango dancer & power-assisted bike builder.
: @EvaCatHerder - Eva Schweber
- CubeSpace's Chief Cat Herder, Policy Wonk, Nonprofit Consultant, Microbusiness Advovate and Former Dairy Goat Farmer. Wonks R Us
: @EightEyes - Sean Canton
- Creative Producer specializing in Interactive Multimedia and Organizing Resources Effectively. Musician/Writer/Developer/Designer, Information Sponge, Idea Engine & free/for hire Inspirationist
: @GeekyGirlDawn – Dawn Foster
- Community Manager extraordinaire, founder of of Fast Wonder Blog and Consulting
: @geoffk - Geoffrey Kleinman
- Writer of On Portland and contributor to Our PDX Network, Portland Metblogs and Neighborhood Notes
: @GregHughes – Greg Hughes
- IT and Security exec management and consultant type, blogs at GregHughes.net
: @harrisja - Jason Harris
- More interesting than your average bear. Blogs TechCraver.
: @HideshiOne - Hideshi Hamaguchi
- COO of LUNARR, has been known on both sides of the Pacific as one of the leading minds in creative concept + strategy building and decision management.
: @HowardAbrams - Howard Abrams
- Geek who is still trying to understand the lure of the Twitdom. Technical blog at Howardism.org, HowardAbrams.com.
: @HundredDollar – Carolynn Duncan
- Founder at Hundred Dollar Business and Coffee With An Expert
: @idealist_org – Idealist.org Staff Twitter
- Staff and Portland office and other offices of Idealist.org, supporting nonprofit and public service career issues.
: @idschray – Ian Schray
- GadgetTrak Product Manager, ActiveTrak Inc. Also part-time pro photographer: IanSchrayPhotography
: @igalko – Igal Koshevoy
- Business-Technology Consultant working w/ Ruby, Python, Java and UNIX; open source contributor and community organizer: Calagator, Portland Ruby Brigade (pdxruby), Portland Functional Programming Study Group (pdxfunc), Ignite Portland, Open Source Bridge, etc.
: [}}} LinkedIn]
: @incanus77 - Justin Miller
- Mac/iPhone/web developer and sysadmin for hire as Code Sorcery Workshop, LLC. I also make Pukka, Meerkat, and things with Drupal.
: @irene_s – Irene Schwarting
- Director of Marketing and Communications at GoLife Mobile, principal in Companies By Design management consulting company, specializes in strategic analysis, communications, and relationship management
: @jaacob – Jacob Reiff
- CEO Worker Bee at Ideademic, Customer Problem Solver at The King / KingTray.com
: @jabancroft – Josh Bancroft
- Ignite Portland founder, blogger, and community builder at Intel Software Network
: @janetleejohnson - Janet Johnson
- Technologist for marketers and marketer for technologists, blogger, social media strategist at O'Johnson Partners
: @jarvitron – Aaron Walker
- Potty mouth, sysadmin, general geek, blogger, compulsive oversharer.
: @JDHuntington – JD Huntington
- Developer at AboutUs.org, Android developer, coffee roaster, and ternary operator wizard.
: @JeanAnnVK – Jean Ann Van Krevelen
- Foodie, Gardener, Author, Blogger (3), Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Social Media Strategist, Mom (2), Rainmaker Escalation Business Consulting, Portland Foodie, Edgy Entrepreneur, Gardener to Farmer
: @JerWilkins – Jeremy Wilkins
- Owner Tinderbox Creative LLC, a web development and online marketing strategy company, happy nerd, Oversoul coaster.
: @jessgrace – Jessica Foote
- Tech advocate (public relations and analyst relations professional) for technology companies ranging from enterprise software to wireless and consumer technologies OnPR.com
: @jkuramot -- Jake Kuramoto
- Portland Lunch 2.0 organizer, Oracle AppsLab dude, sometime hacker, animal lover, cage fighter wannabe
: @Jmartens -- Jeff Martens
- Strategic Finance professional with software and web
: @JMock -- Jim Mock
- Web developer at CBS Interactive.
: @jnpdx – John Nastos
- Creator of Tagalus, a dictionary for hashtags. Also creator of ComboTweet and JazzPDX - the online resource for the Portland jazz scene
: @JoeCohen – Joseph Cohen
- Calagator contributor and retired IP lawyer
: @JonGarrison -- Jon Garrison
- Software Engineer specializing in Java Web Applications and consulting for the Clearspace platform from Jive Software
: @JoshHemsley – Josh Hemsley
- Web Designer at Phoogoo. Interface Designer, Identity & Brand Developer, Front-End Developer. View work samples at Jayhem Designs
: @KellyrFeller - Kelly Feller
- Social Media Strategist at Intel, blogger on Conversations Matter, funk music freak
: @kennyotto - Ken O Wagner
- Social Media Voyeur eagerly looking for work, passionately involved in most things tech, health care, green and sustainable sao.org, into all music, especially down tempo lounge
: @KevinFox - Kevin Fox
- Social Media Consultant for Trust Us Technologies. Ready to help companies use new media to increase brand awareness and successfully leverage their online communities to increase sales. I love the Portland tech scene, they have been berry, berry good to me. In my spare time I like to buy cheap cars :)
: [}}} YouTube]
: @KFinsand - Kerry Finsand
- Online marketing consultant who specialties include: Social Media, hospitality marketing, start-ups & business development.
: @KingKong42 – Tyler Kongslie
- Art Director + Designer + Photographer. TylerKongslie.com
: @kmcdade – Kathleen McDade
- Freelance writer, blogger at TechnoEarthMama, elementary school computer lab specialist
: @KodinLanewave – Kodin Lanewave
- Freelance computer/electronics repair tech, electronics hobbyist, photographer, blogger. My Ramblings
: @Kram – Mark Colman
- Pro photographer, artist, video blogger, creative licensee. Mark Colman Photography Fine Art Photography, Video Blog
: @KristinaWeis - Kristina Weis
- AboutUs groupie, into wiki and swing/blues dancing
: @KristinWolff - Kristin Wolff
- Policy wonk, community organizer, Obama-Biden 2008 alum, aspiring rainmaker.
: @KrystleChung – Krystle Chung
- Member of the wikiHow team since it was born, resident of the first American town to elect an openly transgender mayor (go Silverton!), consensus addict, and salsa dancer.
: @kveton – Scott Kveton
- VP of Open Source at Vidoop, makes his own #bacon—from scratch
: @londa – londa quisling
- VP of Prod Dev at iterasi.com.
: @lawduck – Jean-Paul Voilleque
- IP extraordinaire
: @lokkju - Nick Jacobsen
- Developer; Data miner; Geek; Book Addict; lokkju.com
: @lmacmarket - Lisa MacKenzie
- Marketing; founder MacKenzie Marketing Group mackenzie-marketing.com
: @macgenie -- Jean MacDonald
- Marketing Director at SmileOnMyMac, developers of productivity software for Mac OS X, blogger at The Favorite Aunt
: @MadJungComputer – Cori Taratoot
- General Manager at Vertigo, a collection of engineers and designers using emerging .NET/Silverlight technology to redefine the human/computer interface.
: @MarcusEstes -- Marcus Estes
- Business Development at OpenSourcery, Intellectual Property Baron
: @MariaDeathstar – Marie Deatherage
- Appreciative audience member of Portland Tech Community
- Director of Communication & Learning at Meyer Memorial Trust, Founder of connectipedia, board member at Free Geek, Personal blog at randumthots
: @MarkDilley – MarkDilley
- Community Organizer
: @MarkDunst – Mark Dunst
- Web strategy Polymer Studios
: @Mark_Lawler - Mark Lawler
- VP, Chief Technology Officer Cambia Health Solutions
- WordPress Blog
: @MarshallK – Marshall Kirkpatrick
- Read Write Web
: @MaxHeadWound – Jason Grlicky
- Web Developer Vidoop
- Blogger (about game design) Grok Play
: @MediaChick -- Michelle Anderson
- Media switchboard operator
- I ♥ Media: Technology, food, relationships
- I ♥ Media: Music, books, videos
- Our PDX: Portland, life, culture
: @memathews – Mike Mathews
- Consulting with small businesses on using proven corporate marketing and communications practices, techniques, and technologies. Measured Marketing Solutions LLC
: @Metroknow - Jeremy Geiger
- Programmer Writer, Web dev/designer @ TooManyProjects.com, and personal blog @ AlmostFit.com.
: @MicahElliott – Micah Elliott
- Entrepreneur, hacker MicahElliott.com
: @MikeRigsby - Mike Rigsby
- Network Administrator for a circuit board manufacturer in Beaverton, OR
: @MindLinker - Stacey Brown
- We provide talented resources via staffing, recruiting, and on-site services to companies creating content for an international market. Our database includes local bi-lingual professionals for 30+ languages. Mindlink Resources, LLC
: @mnology – Erik Johansen
- Perl, Unix guy. Infovore.
: @MojoMark – Mark A. Johnson
- Entrepreneur, Oracle Web Developer mojomark.com & onthemarktech.com
: @msamye - Amye Scavarda
- OpenSourceress at OpenSourcery, Project Manager
: @mulderc - Cameron Mulder
- Social Science Researcher
: @MicheleWarther - Michele Warther
- community support, communications and social media strategist for WebTrends.
: @natronics - Nathan Bergey
- Consultant; Open Source rocket enthusiast.
: @NathanSearles - Nathan Searles
- Nathan is a Portland, Oregon based interactive designer/developer working with Saltmine, who practices standards-based development and user-driven design. Nathan Searles
: @nadreck - Nabil Maynard
- Photographer, Designer, Mac and Gaming Evangelist, Writer, Generalist Geek. CriticalGames.com
: @neophiliac - Kurt Sussman
- SQA Consultant, Linux IT and hosting. Merlot Research Group, Inc.
: @NetworkRedux - Network Redux, LLC
- A developer-focused provider of managed Linux hosting solutions. Networkredux.com
: @notbenh - Ben Hengst
- A perl developer [1] attempting to change the world with community and feedback pdxcritique.com.
: @ontier -- Ontier.com
- Portland startup Ontier is changing the way we communicate.
: @OregonianSteve – Steve Woodward
- Journalist at The Oregonian, wrote Twitter Is Tweeter, an article about Twitter and the Portland Tech Community
: @ourpdx -- OurPDX Network
- Local group blog written by PDX people for Portland. Find us at [[OurPDX.com]
: @PampelMoose – Dave Allen
- Owner PampelMoose.com a Portland Music Site and Director, Insights & Digital Media at Nemo Design
: @paynt – Debra Paynter
- Strategic Business Analyst WebTrends
: @PeteForsyth – Pete Forsyth
- Wikiholic. I work on WikiProject Oregon articles and collaboration, incessantly. Keep my own blog too on occasion, Our New Mind – it's about the future of collective thinking. (The future is now.)
: @PeteGrillo – pete grillo
- I'm an entrepreneur. It's that simple. iterasi.com
: @PeterCowan – peter cowan
- Lead tech person at JustGive. code. nonprofits. open, open, open. JustGive.org
: @pfs08 -- paul sorenson
- experience research, human factors engineering, student of ambient presence
: @PodcastHotel -- Alex Williams
- May I interest you in a magic bus?
: @PDXsays -- Tess Boze
- technical and creative communications, and business development and relations in PDX, ORD, PIA, CMI, and BMI, by airport code.
: @RadioGretchen – Radio Gretchen
- Grants for Non-Profits, Data Management, Portland Pie Commission, Drawing & Painting, lives w/ Software Architect
: @RAshford – Robin Ashford
- Reference & E-Learning Librarian - Emerging Technologies, Early Adopter, Learner
: @Rathbone – Ray King
- Entrepreneur: SnapNames.com, AboutUs.org
: @rcoder - Lennon Day-Reynolds
- Programmer for Sun Microsystems' Project Kenai, foodie, shutterbug, burgeoning policy wonk
: @reidab - Reid Beels
- Designer, developer, web guy.
: @RianMerrill - Rian Merrill
- Evangelist of all things geek and Portland, Conversation enthusiast
: @RonSheridan – Ron Sheridan
- co-founder, ceo: RSS.com, Oversee.net
- {{Twitter|ryansnyder @ryansnyder] - Ryan Snyder
- Co-founder of Shizzow, foodie, trekker, winegeek.
: @ryanwi – Ryan Williams
- Product Manager at Strands, Web Developer, Entrepreneur, PDX Web Innovators co-founder
: @SamGrover – Satyajit Grover
- Software engineer, internet enthusiast.
: @sblom - Scott Blomquist
- CTO at Vidoop, former Microsoft developer (Live Image Search)
: @ScottFish – Scott Fish
- SEO, Living in NW Portland, runs ScottFish.com
: @SelenaMarie - Selena Deckelmann
- Software engineer, PostgreSQL advocate, chicken owner (former), blogs at Chesnok.com and works at End Point
: @siedenburg – Joel Siedenburg
- Account Manager/business dev/tech enthusiast at Vidoop
: @simsboynton – Amy Boynton
- Health Risk Analyst/MBA/PDX11 at amyboynton.com
: @skinny – Crystal Beasley SkinnyWhiteGirl.com
- Conceptualization, design, and marketing of social media widgets and thingamajigs at StepChange Group
: @SlateTechPDX – Slate Technologies LLC
- Technology Consulting & Web/Application development Slate Technologies
: @soycamo – Cameron Adamez
- りすのアルバイト soycow.org
: @sparckl - Curtis C. Chen
- Science fiction writer, Captain of Team Snout, ex-Googler, ex- Richter Scale, hacker, gamer, Browncoat, not an aardvark
: @StevenWalling – Steven Walling
- Wiki Editor
: @StuartThompson - Stuart Thompson
- Software architect, consultant for Microsoft-based enterprise solutions. Blog | Tech Blog
: @TechWraith – Daniel Erickson
- Co-Founder of Duel Designs and karmafeed, and a crazy cool idea generator.
: @TheInfovore – Troy Harlan
- Senior Sales Engineer at Vidoop, former PeopleSoft tech consultant
: @TheNewService - The New Service
- Blog by PDXers Amy Potthast and Rich Melo; news, trends, advice about Service Corps, participants, and staff.
: @ThirdWorld – Grant Kruger
- Programmer/software designer/analyst at Meyer Memorial Trust
: @tiesque – Todd Kenefsky
- Owns an interactive marketing company, Co-founder of Legion Of Tech
: @Tingey – Janet Tingey
- Designer: user interfaces / experiences / interactions, or whatever they're being called today.
: @tlockney - Thomas Lockney
- Senior Software Engineer / Technologist / Geek / Instigator; involved in too many things, but too reclusive most of the time. Founded DorkbotPDX.
: @toonlet – Craig Schwartz
- Founder of toonlet, purveyors of fine webcomic-blogging tools. Also worked as a Producer for The Sims and SimCity video-game franchises, and as a writer for Spore.
: @tocici – TOCICI
- Portland IT consulting, hosting & support.
: @TracyTThomas – Tracy Thomas
- Senior Project Manager at Agilis Solutions, helping organize job search support group for women in technology.
: @TravisCannon - Travis Cannon
- An engineer with an MBA and a passion for entrepreneurship. Chief Engineer at FlightPrep and Organizer at Portland Startup Weekend.
: @trentonl – Trenton Lipscomb
- Telecommuting Engineering Manager and Tech Lead for Adchemy, a Bay Area-based performance marketing company.
: @Turoczy – Rick Turoczy
- Blogger Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist & ReadWriteWeb fame
: @TyeshaSnow – Tyesha Snow
- User Experience Architect/Designer/Strategist. Crafter. Sewer. Blogger. UX Pillow & Pin Point Logic
: @TylerInCMYK – Tyler Ashcraft
- Offset and digital printing consultant. Account manager for Bridgetown Printing and Emerald City Graphics both part of the Consolidated Graphics national network of printing operations.
: @UncleNate – Nate DiNiro
- Senior Sales Engineer at Earth Class Mail, intern at Read Write Web, BBQ enthusiast, meat connoisseur
: @verso
- Banana Lee Fishbones, Mac geek, yarn enthusiast, and Twitter fanatic. TheBananaVerse.com
: @WAllen – Wayne Allen
- Software craftsman. Consultants Guild
: @WardCunningham -- Ward Cunningham
- Creator of wiki, agile, patterns, and cybords; CTO of AboutUs
: @WhiplashDesign – Christian Messer
- Graphic design, identity, web sites, branding and marketing. Whiplash Design
: @WillRadik – Will Radik
- Photographer, multi-media artist, podcaster, serial community volunteer
: @WriteInMovement – Kimberly Gehl
- filmmaker/cinephile, contributing writer for PDX Pipeline, Portvangelist
: @wweek - Willamette Week
- Portland, OR News and Culture
: @xolotl – Nate Angell
- Director of Special Projects at rSmart. Open-source technologies, public and community relationships, education and nonprofits.
: @znmeb – M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
- Applied mathematician, performance engineer, open source aficionado, and part-time actor; somewhere between boy genius and wise old man. If you're real nice to me, I'll tell you what the "zn" stands for.