is tech gossip about businesses in Silicon Valley

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Valleywag, Silicon Valley's Tech Gossip Rag


In its 29-year history, the conference became an ultimate schmoozefest, with higher-level attendees than other conferences like Supernova. Organizer Esther Dyson (pictured) moderated discussions between bigwigs ("more of a 'show and tell,' not highfalutin' thinkin'," says one tech exec).

Writer and programmer Maciej Ceglowski wrote a clever account of one PC Forum event, satirizing the high schmooze factor and low real-information level in the panels.

Scooped: GigaOM will be Giga Omni Media

What do you do when you turn your personal blog into a media empire? You don't leave your name on it (unless you're Matt Drudge, and thank god you're not). That's why the tech & business blog GigaOM will soon be part of Giga Omni Media.

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