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Thousands of people have already discovered why Verizon Yellow Pages is an ideal place to work. It goes beyond earning a paycheck and benefits. It's about enjoying the work you do and the people around in an environment built for success. Share our vision of transforming communications services into powerful tools for connecting buyers and sellers.

Verizon Yellow Pages is the world's leading print and online directory publishers and content provider for communications products and services. We produce more than 2,300 directories around the world, including the #1 Hispanic directory, and continue to maintain a major market share of worldwide directory advertising.

The printed Verizon Yellow Pages are complimented by our online edition Verizon (, the nation's top Internet yellow pages (IYP) and a pioneer in local search. In addition, SuperPages On the Go rounds out the Verizon Yellow Pages family with comprehensive listings via cell phones. Verizon Yellow Pages, complete with our print, online, and wireless editions, provides industry-leading, innovative features that increase customer value and improve customer retention.




1320 N. Courthouse Road 8th Floor
Arlington VA 22201 US


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