User talk:Ih8mark

Hello and welcome to AboutUs. Thanks for pointing out the mispelling. As a logged in user, you can ususaly move pages, (sometimes we need to turn that function off) and always, logged in or not, you can fix errors and add content. Let me know if you have any questions. Best, MarkDilley

If you would like to set up a time to talk, that could be arranged. Let me know what works best for you. Cheers, MarkDilley

btw, is this Vicky?
Just a guess, no worries :-)
good! ;-)
Would you two stop flirting already or else take it some place else? Ever heard of email or IM? ;-)
You don't know what you're talking about. know what they say.......there's a thin line between love and hate. I'm feeling the passion here ;-)