
Umthombo Street Children - the Voice from the Streets


The Voice from the Streets

"In Liberation, the oppressed come together, come to understand their situation through the process of conscientization, discover the causes of their oppression, organise themselves into movements, and act in a coordinated fashion." Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff

Umthombo is a voice from the streets. It is a unique South African street children organisation led predominantly by former street children. Umthombo aims to change the way that society perceives and treats street children through educating society as to the realities of the street child experience and through developing and implementing informed, working strategies to address the issue in South African cities.

Umthombo is a registered South African Section 21 company (2005/000362/08), and a registered non-profit organization (040-513-NPO) and has its administrative offices in Durban, South Africa.



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