is a seminary in San Fernando Valley, California
Welcome - The Master's Seminary
Institutional Purpose
The Master's Seminary exists to advance the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping godly men to be pastors and/or trainers of pastors for excellence in service to Christ in strategic fields of Christian ministry. This is to be accomplished through an educational program and an environment of spiritual fellowship and relationships which emphasize unreserved commitment to the worship of God, submission to the authority of the Scriptures, a life of personal holiness, the priority of the local church, and the mission of penetrating the world with the Truth.
Educational Priorities
The Master’s Seminary offers graduate-level biblical, theological, and professional education designed to equip men for effectiveness in Christian ministry to the universal body of Christ, primarily through the local church. This educational task is accomplished through emphasis on the following:
The study of various systems of theological thought including exposure to both past and present movements in history and Christian missions with a view to embracing a comprehensive, coherent theology built from Scripture