is here to tell you that you are free.


A site dedicated to raise questions about the current status-quo and the established facts. To make people realize their power to change "the-way-it-is" and the need for this change for the sake of the future of our children.

Our mission: To never stop reminding humanity that there is a choice! Your Choice!! A page dedicated to awakening humanity to the fact that we live on a rich planet, where all lack of resources is due to chosen way of handling things and not in one case because of natural circumstances. Questioning the the established "facts" about how things are and how things must be done, how we try to change them and those who apparently want to keep "The Great Machine" alive. It might be time to ask the question: Do we in any way really need Governments, Military, The Federal Reserve, IMF, The World Bank Group, The Bilderberg Group and so on, or is it in fact them who needs us to let them stay rich and powerful.

Also featuring the most complete "Pope-card" collection ever other and random Discordian manifestations of chaos.

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