
Total Home Care


Martin Koot
Saue vald Harjumaa
Estonia 76401


If you are buying or building a home in La Barqueta or Boquete, our property management company can take care of your home. We can rent, clean, do the garden, pay your bills, keep pests away and many other things, in other words take care of your house for you.

Comprehensive house care so you don't have to worry while you are away or in your home. You select only the services that you need.

We are residents of La Barqueta Nice and also have a house in the highlands near Boquete. We care about our neighbors and our neighborhood. Some of our neighbors also have residences in Boquete and La Barqueta. We lived in the U.S. for over twenty years and understand your expectations, which we'll meet at Panama's prices. We, of course, speak English.

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