
T-Tech Mobile phone and solar Chargers


Thain-Tech Ltd. is a company registered in UK and Wales, also established branches in 6 other countries The company was established by DR Sidny Thain with main aim to improve future technologies and establish new products with new technological advantages that can be afforded by every consumer and also that can help the environment in the world .Thain-Tech Ltd. is using renewable energy to create a green and clean environment

Thain-Tech main mission to allow every Mobile phone and Laptop user in the world to operate and use their equipment more efficiently and without restriction to the length of use and where ever they are situated if they have no access to electricity to charge their equipment, by offering the following product and services:

To provide the mobile phone and laptop users with the most environmentally friendly solar panel chargers to replace the conventional charger that can operate where ever the sun shines.



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