Title - Praca w Szkocji, Mieszkanie, Studia, Praca w Edynburgu, Praca w Glasgow, Polonia w Szkocji



Welcome to, Scotland's leading quality Portal for Polish community. Based in Edinburgh and established in 2004, is one of the best Polish language portals in UK. Within its field we are the only dedicated portal that enables users in Poland and Scotland to communicate with each other, follow the latest news and views from Scotland and obtain an insider perspective on the stories of Poles in Scotland. We are focused on harnessing the power of the Internet to create deeply engaging destination that fuel user's passion for Scotland and the things they should do or need to know after arrival.

As is viewed by approx. 180,000 unique visitors per month, generating about 2,000,000 page views, we responded to people's needs and indeed demands by launching redesigned architecture of Our features coverage offers very useful classifieds section and a full range of in-depth information devoted to the subject of living in Scotland. We're providing useful information about Scottish government, culture, education, multiculturalism, health system, housing, banking, working law and conditions, transport, getting around, and more. Also very popular forum gives the irreverent look at current Polish affairs and community activities in Scotland.

As we move forward, we continue to be guided by our unique ability to think beyond what's merely possible to what people really want and need, and to innovate to those ideals.

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