以生產製造金屬按鍵Keypad、 DES PinPad、 讀卡機及電源供應器成立於1986 年 ,並於1990年投入資訊產業領域, 主要以專業無線網路RFID )建置及發展各式門禁監視攝影系統、感應卡、SmartCard等應用網路系統整合,我們服務團隊的成員,結合了智慧卡相關安全產品研發製造、門禁監控安全系統等專業資訊人才,共同為客戶提供按鍵設備、門禁監控安全系統及無線網路建置整體服務。
SUNZone TEK CO. Ltd. was established in 1987., is located in Taipei Taiwan, We are a small company and short history., but our staff have long and excellent experiences and highly qualified technology in Card Technology Industry thru patricapating GCA System project, ID Card System Project and various Card Technology related project till now.
SUNZone is powering provider of security solutions in Taiwan , Our products provide specialized core security technology and software and complete hardware solutions . SUNZone focuses on provide security solutions that assure identity and protect the physical & virtual over public and private environment. SUNZone cryptographic component, RFID module, smart cards & reader, client software development, Access control applications and security integrated solution enable conveniently access to reliably identify users and open doors in Digital Worlds
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