a campaign against honour killings and violence against women.

International Campaign Against Honour Killings

Stop honour killings. Save lives!

Campaign aims

Violence against women is an integral part of the society all over the world. However Honour Killing is the most barbaric and criminal form of violence against women. Every day we witness girls and women being murdered in this savage way all over the world, from Iran, England, Sweden, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, to Algeria. According to the United Nation reports, every year, 5000 women are murdered under the pretext of Honour Killing worldwide. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and reality is far darker. The victims of “honour killings” are far more than the innocent victims of international terrorism.

Honour Killing has taken a universal magnitude and demands a unified action on an international scale. The ideology and excuses behind Honour Killing stems from backward social, nationalistic, religious and reactionary laws and traditions, in which women do not have any rights. In this tradition, women are the properties of men and can be treated or even killed as men wish. This culture turns men into murderers of their beloved and turns the family into judiciary court where women are judged and condemned to death. Poverty and ignorance are also part of this culture.

The aim of International Campaign against Honour Killings is to build a strong net working within women’s organisations, human rights organisations, and progressive and women’s rights activists and individuals all around the world to end honour killings.

We must stand firm to end such barbarity on an international scale.

We demand:

  1. A secular, free and humane society;
  2. Separation of religion from state;
  3. Abolition of all religious, nationalistic, cultural laws which support Honour Killing and defend the murderers or reduce their punishment under the pretext of cultural reasons;
  4. That Honour Killing be considered an act of murder and dealt with accordingly;
  5. That the education system, media and any other cultural facilities be utilized to combat such religious and cultural backwardness in the society, and defend the universal rights of women;
  6. That women’s rights are universal, so such rights should be protected by law and implemented.

We urge all human rights organisations and individuals to join us in our efforts to put an end to "honour" killings and violence against women. We can make a difference if we are united.

Additional Information

International Campaign Against Honour Killing (ICAHK) is an international network which aims to be part of a strong group of all women's rights organisations and individuals, all human rights activists and everyone who is fighting for equal rights and freedom.

ICAHK is an independent and non-government network that aims to raise an international awareness about the issue of violence against women, in particular Jonour Killing; also to build a strong network within women’s rights movements, organisations and individuals around the world to put an end to "honour" crimes.

ICAHK attempts to establish dialogue and co-operation on the issue of honour crime with human rights organisations, international NGOs, the United Nations, Amnesty International, organisations representing workers, women’s groups and also European Governments to ensure that women’s equal rights are secured.

We wish to make it clear that we believe in the secular societies, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, and political opinion; the right to live; and the right of each and every individual to practice and enjoy their freedoms in all spheres they choose. ICAHK was established on the 25th November 2003 by Diana Nammi with the slogan: Save Lives. During the last three years, ICAHK has grown dramatically and many men and women around the world have shown their support for this campaign and its activities, so we decided to increase our capacity and activities by having its first discussion board, and by developing the website.


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Featured on 24 May 2007

Featured Text -- Let's face it. The internet can be a fun place, whether it's sharing videos or music, getting the latest dish on your favorite starlets, keeping up with world news, or just using the internet as a resource for term papers. In some ways it's so normalized in our society that we forget how incredible a resource for information and change the internet can be. Well, at AboutUs we were made aware of this a bit today when we saw the great work being done on the WikiPage for This website is the official website for the Internation Campaign Against Honour Killing (ICAHK), an international network aiming to put an end to violence against women, particularly in societies/cultures where young girls and women are treated as property that can be condemned to death under the pretext of a "Honour Killing." The ICAHK is doing a great job of helping to illuminate this problem and the 5,000 women murdered each year worldwide under the "Honour Killing" pretext. Thanks to the website and the power of the internet, we hope more and more people can learn of this problem and help put an end "honour" crimes and protect a woman's equal rights worldwide.

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