
Relocation to Denmark


The founders of "Relocation Partner" are a father-and-son team. Independently of each other, we both have considerable expatriate experience. So do all of our staff; several are the spouses of Danish diplomats currently on home assignment. Eventually, they will be relocated abroad, and colleagues will take their places here.

Firmaet "Relocation Partner" er grundlagt af et far-søn makkerpar. Vi har hver for sig megen erfaring i, hvad udlændighed vil sige. Det har vore medarbejdere også; de fleste er gift med danske diplomater, der for tiden gør tjeneste i Danmark. I tidens fylde bliver de nok udsendt igen, og så vil deres pladser i vore rækker forhåbentligt blive taget af andre i den situation.

So we all know what it's like to arrive in a strange place where you don't know the language, and you don't know your way around. To figure things out, you spend a lot of time and energy that you would much rather spend on the job you came here to do. Even so, you will probably make mistakes - and some of them could be costly.

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