Prozac® is a drug that is prescribed for treating depression

Prozac® ( fluoxetine hydrochloride) is an antidepressant and was the first in a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. It was approved in 1986.

In addition to treating major depressive disorders, Prozac® is prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, and panic attacks. It is used to treat adults, children over eight years old, and adolescents.

Other brand names for fluoxetine are Prozac® Weekly, Rapiflux®, Sarafem® and Selfemra®. Prozac® is made by Eli Lilly. It is used by 54 million people in 90 countries.

Prozac® Birth Defect

If you are taking Prozac® to treat your depression and are considering becoming pregnant or do become pregnant, you should speak with your doctor about whether continuing use is right for you. Babies are at risk of suffering some birth defects if they are exposed to Prozac® while their mothers are pregnant.

For those who took Prozac® while pregnant and gave birth to a baby with a defect, a birth defect lawsuit may be right for them. To find out if you qualify for financial compensation, please contact our Prozac® birth defect lawyers today. More about Prozac birth defects

Has Prozac® Been Linked to Birth Defects?

Yes. Prozac® has been linked to birth defects, including persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN). PPHN is a serious potentially life-threatening condition that occurs in babies soon after birth. The lungs of these infants have not assumed the function of oxygenating the blood once they are born. When in the mother, the fetus' oxygenated blood supply comes from the mother, via the umbilical cord that leads from the placenta. The lungs of the fetus have no immediate function and are just awaiting birth to start working. More about Prozac and birth defects

Prozac® and Pregnancy

If you are taking Prozac® to treat your depression and are considering becoming pregnant or do become pregnant, you should speak with your doctor about whether continuing use is right for you. Babies are at risk of suffering some birth defects if they are exposed to Prozac® while their mothers are pregnant.

For those who took Prozac® while pregnant and gave birth to a baby with a defect, a birth defect lawsuit may be right for them. To find out if you qualify for financial compensation, please contact our Prozac® birth defect lawyers today. More about Prozac and pregnancy

Prozac® Birth Defect Lawsuits

If your baby is born with a birth defect and you took Prozac® during your pregnancy, you might be able to file a Prozac lawsuit to seek compensation for you suffering. To find out more information, contact a birth injury lawyer now. Initial case evaluations are free.

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