

You have discovered a new global community website designed to facilitate study and conversation of Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom. This site contains interactive communication features to encourage individual expression and provide a means for the comment of others. The intention is to provide a diversity of views expressed today by a variety of people as a means to approach the inner nature of truth. In the words of Rudolf Steiner:

"For a thinker who can penetrate into the nature of thought, there is not one single conception of the world, but twelve that can be equally justified—so far justified as to permit of equally good reasons being thought out for each of them. There are twelve such justified conceptions of the world." (Human and Cosmic Thought: P40)

"The way to peace is to realize that the world-outlooks conjointly, in their reciprocal action on one another, can be in a certain sense explained, but that they cannot lead into the inner nature of truth if they remain one-sided. One must experience in oneself the truth-value of the different world-outlooks, in order — if one may say so — to be in agreement with truth." (Human and Cosmic Thought: P54)




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