
Online Scores - A world where the only sport is football


You can get scores of the latest match happenings all around the world on this website. You can find the scores very easily as you can find them either by country or by the name of the event of which you want to see the scores. You can also have a look at the scores of different pools in an event e.g. pool C in world cup.


In this section you can have a look at the scores of all the latest matches of soccer in just one page. You can search by event or by country as there is a long list of events and countries on the left hand side of the page.

World Cup

This section is specially made for the world cup scores. You can search scores of teams, pools or matches and get them right on to your monitor screen. You also get the details like which player scored goals, which player got red/yellow cards etc. You can have a look at past results of matches. Future schedules of matches is also available in this section.

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