OakHazelnut.com Cyber anthropologist Amber Case digs deep on community

About OakHazelnut.com (aka Hazelnut Tech Talk)


Hazelnut Tech Talk offers Technology News featuring articles on Portland tech news, upcoming local events and reviews, Cyborg Anthropology, and a weekly podcast with local members of the tech community. The site is special because of its geolocal focus and dedication to the Portland community and its needs. It is also a work in progress as well as an experiment in search engine optimization. As they say at Weiden+Kennedy, 'Fail Harder'. The site's creator, Amber Case, learns from quickly making a lot of little mistakes that add up to one large piece of hard-earned knowledge. Instead of giving today's already connected reader an information overload, OakHazelnut.com focuses on the the phenomeology of the online experience and the cross-over of online and offline communities. [1] giving visitors an overview of relevant news.

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Featured Articles

Check these out! OakHazelnut.com

Hazelnut Tech Talk

OakHazelnut.com's weekly Podcast series has had some celebrity encounters. You can too.

Advertising Opportunities

"Oakhazelnut.com presents events, blogging advice, productivity hacks and profiles of local tech innovators in the Portland community. Listen to Hazelnut Tech Talk for additional cranial upgrades"

– : Amber Case spokesperson for OakHazelnut.com

OakHazelnut.com is becoming a hot place for new media analysis, seo advice, conference and event reviews and cyborg anthropology on the web. The readership is very local and extremely tech-savvy. Most readers work in the tech field or are entrepreneurs creating groundbreaking technologies. If you have a product that you would like reviewed, or if would like to place a sitewide Ad on OakHazelnut, you can find opportunities to bring your message to the viewers via plenty of affordable offerings. These offerings include:

  • Sitewide 300 x 250 Banner
  • Side Sitewide 125 x 125 Square Banner
  • Paid Reviews (with full disclosure)

For details, Amber Case.


MicroBlogging: Follow OakHazelnut.com on Twitter by following 846ccd6cf422489a6efc5302b6c475af.png: @caseorganic.

Amber Case
Tel: 307-220-7598





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Additional Information

  • OakHazelnut.com was born on June 1, 2008 to Amber Case in Portland, OR.

External Links

  • Official Web Site: OakHazelnut.com
    • 4e3ff5ecdecd3e14d9f89db51c5a1425.png: [}}} RSS Feed] of news items from OakHazelnut.com

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