
New Zealand Star


Description of Site

News site for New Zealand, New Zealand Star, covering the North Island and South Island of this populous country in the South Pacific. From the capital Wellington and the country’s largest city Auckland in the north, to Christchurch, Dunedin and Queenstown in the south, New Zealand Star has the country covered.

In addition to New Zealand news, the site displays breaking international news and for those interested in what is happening around the globe in business and finance, breaking business news.

There are a host of services offered including subscription-based daily email alerts, news releases and RSS feeds for the site’s assembled news topics including New Zealand news.

Contact Details

New Zealand Star
New Zealand

Additional Information



Related Domains

Time warp image of New Zealand Star as it first appeared


Parent Company

The publisher of New Zealand Star, Midwest Radio Network, incorporated in New South Wales, Australia, in 1938, administers the site on behalf of Big News Network, as part of an international network of eNewspapers covering each internationally prominent location, and other topical news categories.


External Links

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