Personal artwork portfolio of Nadia Russ




Nadia Russ paintings: NeoPopRealism. Nadia Russ is one of the most innovative and imaginative world artists.
She created new style in visual arts -

NeoPopRealism combines brightness and simplicity of Pop Art and deep realism, carry hi color energy and graphic nature.

NeoPopRealist party is party of fabulous and happy people. Membership is free. Volunteering is easy: print and spread NeoPopRealist ideas against wars, terrorism & religious strife among your friends, relatives and strangers.

Members must be fabulous people. What does it mean?

1. Be beautiful.
2. Be creative and productive, never stop studying & learning.
3. Be peace loving, positive minded.
4. Do not accept communistic philosophy.
5. Be free-minded,do the best you can to move the world to peace and harmony.
6. Be family oriented, self-disciplined.
7. Be free spirited. Follow your dreams, if they are not destructive, but constructive.
8. Believe in GOD. God is one.
9. Be supportive to those who need you, be generous.
10. Create your life as a great adventurous story.

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