
MultiD Analyses AB


MultiD Analyses AB was the first company with focus on multidimensional data analyses. It was founded in 2001 by leading scientists and software engineers from Swedish top universities who discovered that 3-dimensional data may under certain circumstances be decomposed into contributions from component specific contributions without making non-trivial assumptions. This opens totally new possibilities to analyze test samples and study chemical equilibria, and it was considered one of the most important discoveries in analytical chemistry during the 1990-ies.

Our goal is to develop and sell software for analyses of multidimensional data. Our world unique product, DATAN, based on proprietary technology, is the most advanced software to analyze spectroscopic data. Our seconf unique product, GenEx, is the most advanced software availbale to analyze real-time PCR gene expression data.

Our main competences are in the areas of specroscopy, fluorescence detection, data and numerical analysis, chemometry, computing, software engineering, and real-time PCR.

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