International blitz-competition for composers
- English
- Russian
2006 Competition
One of the most unusual concerts dedicated to 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth on January 27, 2006, was held at the Concert Studio of the Radio "Kultura", with live audience and national broadcast, as well as simultaneous Internet broadcast on None of the works of Mozart were heard, instead the audience heard 12 compositions, advanced to the final round of the International Blitz-Competition for Composers "Homage to Mozart".
During this concert and broadcast decision of the international Jury was announced, as well as prizes awarded by the members of Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, Misha Rachlevsky and the concert audience.
Instead of original plan to advance to the final round 8-10 compositions, a total of 24 compositions were chosen, and decision was made to split the final round into two parts -- "winter" and "spring", to double the number of prizes and, accordingly, the prize fund.
The "spring" concert of final round was held on June 2, 2006, exactly repeating procedure of the "winter" concert.
The competition was created and produced by Misha Rachlevsky and Chamber Orchestra Kremlin with the support of Federal Agency For Culture and Cinema, Moscow City Government, Russian State Radio "Kultura" (Culture) and Austrian Cultural Forum.
Additional Information
Within 48 hours of receiving competition entry, a confirmation e-mail will be sent, "replying" to the address of the sender, unless instructed otherwise in the body of that message.
Preliminary round - each composition will be reviewed by the Music Director of Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, Misha Rachlevsky, and a panel of judges, assembled from the members of the orchestra. List of works advanced to the final round will be determined by January 12. There is no preset limit on the number of compositions advanced to the final round.
On January 12, 2006, e-mail messages containing titles of the compositions advanced to the final round will be sent to all participants and posted on this website.
From that point on, the competition will be administered by the Moscow office of Ernst&Young.
On January 15, 2006, compositions, advanced to the final round will be recorded by Misha Rachlevsky and Chamber Orchestra Kremlin.
Final round -- on January 18-19 all Jury members of the final round will receive identical sets, containing printed scores and a CD with recording of the compositions advanced to the final round (recordings will also be posted on this site in MP3 format, see FINAL ROUND). After reviewing these compositions, each Jury member will arrange the entries in the order of his preference, assigning them consecutive numbers from 1 (highest preference) on and submitting the list to Ernst&Young by January 25. Tabulated result will yield Grand Prize and 2nd - 3rd Prize winners. In case of a tie for the Grand Prize, the authors of top-scoring entries will be announced Grand Prize winners with the total prize sum of $4,500 divided among them, and there will be no other cash prizes.
Sound Files
(sorted by composition name)
Eskender Bekmambetov, Russia, 250 years in 250 seconds, a la pointe Philippe Bodin, France, Boiling Point Vartan Simonian, USA, Conifera Robert J. Frank, USA, Figaronacht Beth Denisch, USA, Fire Mountain Intermezzo Kate Sullivan, USA, Fugitum est Kevin M. Walczyk, USA, Haupango Alexey Larin, Russia, Impulses Arvydas Malcys, Lithuania, In Memoriam, Peak hours Tom Schnauber, USA, In Memory of Henri Temianka Jeffrey Hunter, USA, Mists Dov Carmel, Israel, Momentum-210 Michael Colina, USA, Nesting Dolls Stephen Lias, USA, Presledovano Rajko Maksimovic, Serbia, Rosebud Zhanna Plieva, Russia, Sospeso George Higgs, USA/Ireland, The Famine Dance Daniil V. Vlasov, Russia, The small Kremlin Symphony in g Allan Bevan, Canada, To Morning Uliana Stratonitskaya, Russia, Una Lacrima Michael Eckert, USA, Vamp Peter Knell, USA, Vortex
(sorted by composition name)
Grand Prize
Philippe Bodin, France, Boiling Point Tom Schnauber, USA, In Memory of Henri Temianka Zhanna Plieva, Russia, Sospeso
2nd Prize
Kevin M. Walczyk, USA, Haupango
3rd Prize
Daniil V. Vlasov, Russia, The small Kremlin Symphony in g
Chamber Orchestra Kremlin members' Prize
Zhanna Plieva, Russia, Sospeso Allan Bevan, Canada, To Morning
Music Director Prize
Arvydas Malcys, Lithuania, In Memoriam, Peak hours Tom Schnauber, USA, In Memory of Henri Temianka George Higgs, USA/Ireland, The Famine Dance Daniil V. Vlasov, Russia, The small Kremlin Symphony in g
Concert Audience Prize
Eskender Bekmambetov, Russia, a la pointe Zhanna Plieva, Russia, Sospeso