
med4u home page


med4u is the leading UK online medical service . A team of doctors provide you with a fast and reliable service that answers your medical questions and gives you the time, skill and breadth of knowledge you need to ensure that you can look after your health as effectively as possible.

There is no magic in the practice of medicine, only knowledge, skill and experience. It can be understood by anyone who is prepared to take the time. At med4u we give you the information you need to understand what is happening to your body and give yourself the best chance of recovery and of staying well in the future.

med4u represents many of our beliefs about how medicine should be practised. Patients are partners. Information must be shared equally. With the Internet there is an incredible amount of health information available. med4u doctor s hel p you interpret that information and will advise you accordingly. Knowing more about your problem will help you get better more quickly.

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