
Im Osten - Neun Bildergeschichten aus Europa


ImOsten GbR


Im Osten - Neun Bildergeschichten aus Europa. Wir sind neun junge Fotografen, die mit ihren Arbeiten zum Kennenlernen der neuen EU-Länder beitragen möchten. Vor dem Hintergrund autobiografischer Motive und aus persönlichem Interesse haben wir den bevorstehenden EU-Beitritt zum Anlass genommen, uns zu einer Gruppe zusammenzuschließen und die unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel zu einem Projekt zusammenzuführen. Im Osten - In The East. We are nine young photographers on the road to a new Europe. With our photgraphic works we want to contribute to a better understanding on both sides. Apart from personal reasons, for example Lukasz Chrobok who portrays Katowitz in Poland, his town of birth, or Ole Kloss, who is interested in the Nuclear Power Plant Ignalina in Lithuania, the oncoming enlargement of the European Community was the reason for forming a group and for developing a project covering several different aspects. We are from the Hamburg Universitiy of Applied Science. Some already have degrees and consider the concept a continuation of their work, while for the others this project means achieving their diploma. We plan to complete our project by May 1st 2004. Afterwards we want to present our work in exhibitions and an appandant catalogue.

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