
Maureen Shepard, Classical Homeopath


Homeopathy is a safe, natural system of medicine. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s vital force or immune system to heal itself. The remedies contain minute doses of substances from the natural world: plants, minerals, and animals. Homeopaths believe that the best medicine for any person is the one that uses the smallest dose to produce the greatest healing response. In homeopathy, less is more. The remedies are so dilute, there is no chance of unwanted side effects. They can be used safely for any age group, including babies and the elderly.

Homeopathy is a holistic medicine, affecting the whole person - body, mind, emotions and spirit. The homeopath takes the time to understand the whole person and their unique pattern of physical, mental, and emotional traits. Then the homeopath looks for the unique healing pattern in nature that most closely matches the pattern of the whole person. This is the remedy that will resonate most strongly with the vital force or immune function of the person, evoking the healing response.

Homeopathy is not a new medicine. It is based on the law of similars, a law known to the ancient Greeks. The law of similars says that a substance which can cause a certain pattern of symptoms in a healthy person, can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. The principle of vaccination is based on the same law.

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