
Welcome to Greenhead College



Welcome to the Greenhead College website. It contains a variety of information about our courses and also an idea of what the college has to offer for your personal growth and extra-curricular activities. Our aim is to help you choose subjects in which you will achieve success and help you move on to your desired career path.

What is a Sixth Form College

Most sixth form colleges, Greenhead College included, cater exclusively for 16 to 19 year olds. There are over 1700 students at Greenhead. We do not admit younger students, but we create an environment where young adults can make a fresh start in new surroundings, with an exciting social environment and stimulating and challenging lessons.

All classes are taught by teachers who specialise in specific subjects and Advanced level work, so they are experts in their fields: also, because of the size of the college, we can offer you a broad and flexible range of options, whether in academic courses or enrichment options. We can also invest heavily in specialised pastoral and careers support to help you make the most of your time here.

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