
Alkyon, Agrarian Industrial Applications - Áëêõþí, Áãñïôïâéïìç÷áíéêÞ


The company Alkyon is involved with the producing and packaging of traditional, greek cheese (feta and others) and dairy products as well as with their exportation all over the world: Europe, America, Australia etc. - Ç åôáéñåßá Áëêõþí áó÷ïëåßôáé ìå ôç óõóêåõáóßá êáé ôçí ôõðïðïßçóç ðáñáäïóéáêþí åëëçíéêþí ôõñïêïìéêþí êáé ãáëáêôïêïìéêþí ðñïéüôùí êáé ôçí åîáãùãéêÞ äéáíïìÞ ôïõò óå üëï ôïí êüóìï: Åõñþðç, ÁìåñéêÞ, Áõóôñáëßá, ê.á.


Alkyon Agrotoviomihanikes Efarmoges EPE
Ioannina DE
Germany GR-45500

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