- A Greek mythology resource based in Carlsbad, New Mexico


Tragedy's Workshop -


The eBooks on this website, though presented individually, form a unity and are linked. The fact that ancient Greek culture is even now central to the American experience provides us with a key to understanding our own lives. The linked eBooks are a method of developing that understanding. The Mysteries (not linked) defines what ancient Greece was and forms a baseline for study. The Introduction to Greek Mythology provides a background for the study of the ancient Greek religion. In that sense, The Mysteries provides the literal part of their lives and the Introduction to Greek Mythology the non-literal, the spiritual. Thus having defined who the ancient Greeks were, we can apply this knowledge to our own lives as illustrated in Oedipus on a Pale Horse. The tools for handling this knowledge and putting it into narrative form is contained in Jungian Novel Writing. Thus, though I've stated above that the website is a celebration of ancient and modern Greece, it is actually a celebration of life itself. Each of the eBooks is cross referenced to the others through hyperlinks at strategic locations to provide more information on the topic under discussion. To see the connection between them, the reader can go to the search page and uncover the multitude of connections by searching on any topic, e.g., Oedipus.

At the turn of the millennium, we've had 224 years of democratic government provided by a constitution our forefathers, in many ways, patterned after that of Classical Athens. During this period, Greeks invented democracy, mathematics, history, the medical profession, theatre, etc. We've taken so much from them, including much of our language, that it's impossible to overestimate the impact, and anyone who wishes to understand our society must come to terms with Classical Greece and in particular ancient Greek religion. Just as Asklepios, the god of healing, gave us the physician and psychotherapy, so Dionysus (with his dual nature and ability to hold in suspension simultaneously reality and illusion) gave us theatre and its extension, cinema. Regardless of one's religious perspective, knowledge of ancient Greek religion is a necessity. It is the physics of the soul, the way human beings function.

This website then strives to be an introduction to that which is ancient Greek and to help pull their experience into the new millennium with us. In particular I want to emphasize that this is NOT a look backward. I am not interested in studying ancient Greece as history and letting it remain there as a relic of the past, something to marvel over but walk away from. It is very much alive within us all today. As we encounter the future, we must bring with us not only a knowledge of our heritage, but also a realization that we are an extension of ancient Greece so that we may better understand ourselves and become better world citizens.

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