search terrain & stars from locations on Earth, Moon, Mars, etc

The live world's search engine

Geody logo.gif
Geographic search engine to look for locations on Planet Earth (over 6 millions places), the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and even Space (stars of the Hipparcos catalogue).

Click on the map, enter a location or latitude and longitude coordinates for a place and will show the place on the map. also exports the data to your GPS system, GoogleEarth, GoogleMaps or MapQuest. Search results also offer links to relevant searches in Google, AltaVista, Yahoo!, A9, Wikipedia, Flickr and Confluence.

You also get a list of places near the location you searched for, and users can contribute to the database uploading their own pictures.

Geody Worlds

Sample places

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Community Reviews

I just took a look

Wow, that's really cool, you just enter a search term and then you can choose the specific location based on what you entered and zoom right onto it. Cool.

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